Been gone for a minute but we're back

By Samsara - Saturday, July 11, 2009

What's up this is your girl C.... and your boy Drigo teaming up to get you up to date on Samsara Boutique's plot to take over the indie fashion world. Where should I start there is soooo much to blog about. We have been very busy traveling the states displaying our goods at Art shows and some of the best festivals in the US. Our journey continued in Austin, TX at the Reggae festival, then Houston, Alabama, Atlanta , Tennessee, California.

Austin is a great city very supportive of the arts and very veggie friendly, I found that the people of Austin have a deep love for live bands it doesn't really matter who is playing as long as the music is live and the acoustic is sound. Our designs sold very well and I think the most popular design would be the destroyed grn balloon dress and baby doll tunic. C-ya next year......
Next we travelled a few hours to Houston and displayed our work at the International Festival. This year the country of Ireland was the focus. The energy was great and all our extended family of customers came out to support Samsara. The earrings flew off the shelves and the African inspired designs were the best sellers. Houston is my kind of town and I look forward to seeing all you guys next year.
After a quick trip home to sew some more hot designs and make earrings, we traveled to Alabama. The Schaffer seafood festival they had a great line up Katy Perry, All American Rejects, LL Cool J , Snoop Dogg, and many more. The crowd was unbelievable and the love was incredible. Alabama is hooked on Samsara, no matter what age group or demographic they all loved the reconstructed rock clothing and can't wait until next year.
Atlanta Jazz Festival was not too great :(. The show was not handled properly and the artists suffered. I can go on and on about it but I wont. So lets drive about 4 hours north to Manchester, Tenn to one of the biggest music fest on the east coast, BONNAROO. This year was our debut at Bonnaroo and we were a big hit. I don't know if it was the heat, or the drugs, but when they came to our booth people could not compose themselves. No one could believe their eyes "this used to be a t-shirt no f*@#$ing way". Bonnaroo was great can't wait till next year. Oh yeah kids SAY NO TO DRUGS.

I'm going back to Cali to Cali to Cali I'm going back to Cali to the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival. Growing up in busy Bk , Cali is like another world to me, now on the other hand Drigo falls right in Cali, he often says it reminds him of home and the liberal and free attitude is enough to love by anyone.. I like the vibe and miss it very much when I am gone.
This year I ran into a few old friends Greg P-Nut Galinsky if you never heard of him you should google him his art is crazy and he is on tour with Vans sneakers doing some incredible stuff.. Next was a dear bredren Aba Shaka of the Musical Ark of the Covenant Sound. Not sure if you can google any info for him but trust me when I say music collectors extraordinar selector ..I like to call him a selector for the collector... Also here are a few pics of satisfied customers and friends Check out Tawni posing in front mystic Lion. Straight family love goes out to MAMA Irie look out for her performing at Reggae Rising..

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  1. Can you post a schedule of where you will be in the next few months ... I bought a pair of earrings @ the natural hair show ... I get TONS of compliments and requests.

    So where will you be next?

  2. I will post on thats a really god idea now let me figure out how to do that...


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