Transforming waste into useful art, one billboard at a time..

By Samsara - Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being Textile Alchemist is not as easy as one may think. We are often bombarded by so many concepts and ideas, that it can often be like -looking at a documentary produced and shoot by Thierry Guetta. Visual stimulation over-dose.. Fortunately inside all artists brains located approx on the left side of your brain somewhere by pituitary or b/w the cerebral cortex. Located there, is an antenna that all artists have, thankfully these artists share this same daily routine of getting bombarded with visual stimulation. Because of them I can sleep some nights and I thank them for showing me an end result to 1 of the many concepts I thought about.
What in the world would I do with the billboards that liter thousands of dumps across the world?

Gorilla Sacks

Each Gorilla Sack is made from a recycled billboard vinyl. These are the same billboards you see along the highway throughout the United States, although our billboards mainly come from Georgia and California. Each pattern piece is hand cut to create a bag that doubles as a piece of art!

The billboard is already UV protected weather resistant and tear proof what better to make a durable bag, accessories , or shoes out of? View some of the designs and to read more about the company go to website.

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